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Duston Eldean Primary School

Inclusion & Equality


Information linked to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be found here.

Disability Discrimination Act

At Eldean we are committed to providing a fully accessible environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors. We are further committed to challenging attitudes about disability and accessibility and developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.

Equal Opportunities

We wish to promote positive attitudes in children, staff, governors and parents so that the pupils can fulfil their potential and make choices, unhampered by expectations based on stereotyping. We seek to fulfil the aims of the school for all pupils and value our differences.

Equalities Information, Objectives and Accessibility Plan

In accordance with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 act we have published our Equalities Information and Equalities Objectives (see below). The Governing Body has developed a Disability Accessibility Plan (see below)  All these documents are available for inspection at the School Office.

Public Sector Equality Duty Aims And Objectives

Duston Eldean Primary School Public Sector Equality Duty Aims Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard for the need to:

• Eliminate discrimination

• Advance equality of opportunity

• Foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities

What is the Public Sector Equality Duty (the PSED)? The Equality Act 2010 introduced a single, general duty for public bodies, including schools, and which extends to all ‘protected characteristics’:

• age

• gender reassignment

• being married or in a civil partnership

• being pregnant or on maternity leave

• disability

• race, including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin

• religion or belief,

• sex

• sexual orientation

Legislation and guidance This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:

• The Equality Act 2010, which introduced the public sector equality duty and protects people from discrimination

• The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, which require schools to publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the public sector equality duty and to publish equality objectives This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools.

Roles and responsibilities The governors will:

• ensure that the equality information and objectives as set out in this statement are published and communicated throughout the school, including to staff, pupils and parents

• delegate responsibility for monitoring the achievement of the objectives on a daily basis to the headteacher

The Leadership Team will:

• promote knowledge and understanding of the equality objectives amongst staff and pupils

• monitor success in achieving the objectives and report back to governors

• support the headteacher in identifying any staff training needs Advancing equality of opportunity

As set out in the DfE guidance on the Equality Act, the school aims to advance equality of opportunity by:

• Share attainment data each academic year showing how pupils with different characteristics are performing

• Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people which are connected to a particular characteristic they have

• Taking steps to meet the particular needs of people who have a particular characteristic

• Encouraging people who have a particular characteristic to participate fully in any activities

In fulfilling this aspect of the duty, the school will:

• Analyse data to determine strengths and areas for improvement. Implement actions in response.

• Make evidence available identifying improvements for specific groups (e.g. declines in incidents of homophobic language being used)

How does Duston Eldean comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty? The school has a range of policies which make explicit the school’s commitment to actively promoting equality of opportunity for all. The main policies that deal with equality of opportunity are:

• Accessibility Policy & Plan

• Equality and Diversity Policy

• Inclusion & SEN Policy

• Behaviour Policy

• Religious Education Policy

• Relationships Education Policy

Duston Eldean prides itself on being an inclusive school that cares for every individual child. In doing so, we promote and deliver a range of strategies to ensure that we comply to the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Equality objectives Under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) the school is required to set Equality Objectives and our published information must be updated annually and objectives every four years.

Objective 1: To analyse statistical data (admissions, attendance, attainment) to ensure that there aren’t any trends that could be the cause of discriminatory behaviour or actions

Objective 2: To raise awareness of the protected characteristics by mapping out teaching opportunities across the school curriculum

Objective 3: To ensure that future reviews of school policies will take into account the protected characteristics

Objective 4: To ensure that extra-curricular opportunities and visits are accessible to all

Agreed April 2021 Next Review April 2025

Upcoming Events

18 Jul
Last Day of Term
Date Fri,18 Jul 2025

Contact Us

School Business Manager

Duston Eldean Primary
Main Road Duston Northamptonshire NN5 6PP
Tel: 01604 752283
