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Duston Eldean Primary School

Welcome to Year 6!

Year 6 is an exciting, final year at Eldean. The children are expected to show excellent attitudes in their learning and behaviours, acting as role models for the rest of the school community.

The curriculum is carefully designed to allow children to revisit and build upon the learning from previous years. Additional support in English and maths is provided throughout the whole year to ensure all children are as ready as possible for the challenges of the KS3 curriculum. Reading is at the heart of the children’s learning so time is regularly devoted to the children engaged in reading sessions.

Our Wider Curriculum units have Geography, History or Science embedded within them. French, music, art, D&T, PSHE and computing complete our academic curriculum. Core Learning Skills, P4C and Reflection Time from our Skills for Life curriculum provide regular opportunities for children to explore inter and intra-personal skills, speaking and listening development and gaining a greater understanding of their own self.


Issued every Friday, the children have one week to complete their homework. There will be an after-school homework club on Wednesdays to support the completion of work. 

Homework is designed to practise the learning that has happened during the week and include elements of retrieval from previous units.  This is an essential part of the learning process so homework is very important.

Homework Tasks:

  • Maths homework – weekly
  • SPaG homework – weekly
  • Reading (60 minutes minimum) - weekly
  • Reading comprehension- weekly
  • Spelling sheet – tested fortnightly
  • Class presentations (3 times a year)
  • TT Rockstars

Healthy lifestyle

2 PE lessons per week.

Relationship and Health Education, including the importance of looking after their mental health and safety online is a vital component of the curriculum in Year 6.

PE Days

Whales: Monday & Thursday

Sharks: Tuesday & Thursday

Year 6 Highlights

  • 3 day residential to the Pioneer Centre, Kidderminster
  • WW1 drama
  • 3 class presentations
  • Core Learning Skills Challenges: Egg Drop, Marble Run, Maya Temple
  • Visit from DWAEC
  • Interactive Maya Day
  • Year 6 Production
  • Year 6 Leavers' Barbecue
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Prefect games night
  • HOPE drugs education


A very important element of Year 6 is supporting the children with their transition to secondary school. After visiting and selecting their secondary school choices in the autumn term, the children find out their school in March. This begins our work on transition which takes the form of the following experiences:

  • Visits from secondary schools to discuss expectations
  • Transition days in July at their new school
  • Completion of ‘Hero’s Journey’ – a unit of work focusing on transition
  • Teachers liaise with secondary schools to pass on information for every child


During Year 5, children have the opportunity to develop and demonstrate the required traits and behaviours to become a prefect in Year 6. This process involves the children writing an application and being interviewed.

If successful, the children gain their red prefect badge which they wear with great pride, being recognised as role models amongst their peers and staff. The children are entrusted with a range of responsibilities, including leading tours with prospective parents and break duties. As a reward for all their hard work and support in the school, they can attend breakfast club each week and have games evenings each term.



Upcoming Events

13 Nov
Prospective Parents' meeting
Date Wed,13 Nov 2024 6:00 pm

Contact Us

School Business Manager

Duston Eldean Primary
Main Road Duston Northamptonshire NN5 6PP
Tel: 01604 752283
