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Duston Eldean Primary School

Personal Development

Personal Development

Our bespoke curriculum has two core strands: the academic curriculum and our ‘Skills for Life’ curriculum. As a result of this second strand, personal development is evident on a daily basis across our school. When children leave our school, they are thoroughly prepared for their secondary education and have a good understanding of how to be successful in the wider world.

Today’s children are growing up in an increasingly complex world. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also brings challenges and risks. Our pupils need to know how to stay safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. Our aim is to develop in our children, skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team-working and critical thinking.

Below are some examples of how our curriculum and opportunities support personal development.

Manners and Respect: Our pupils are taught the importance of being polite and having good manners and this is evident with how they speak and interact with each other and adults. The first HUGG focus for each school year is to show great greetings.

Online Safety: Our whole school programme enables pupils to recognise online risks. We also welcome Simon Aston (Northants Online Safety Officer) to speak to our Key Stage 2 pupils.

Prefects: In their role as prefects, Year 6 pupils have whole school responsibilities and additional opportunities to develop their personal skills e.g. leading tours for prospective parents.

Off-site Experiences: Trips are planned to support pupils’ learning and provide opportunities to develop resilience, cooperation and responsibility. These include overnight stays in Year 4 and Year 6.

Visitors: Visitors are chosen to support learning and also to help children’s understanding of how to keep safe. The police, fire service, Life Education, History off the Page and Hope charity are amongst many welcomed visitors to Duston Eldean.

Musical Opportunities: Pupils have a range of opportunities to develop their musical interests from weekly singing to being part of the school choir and every child learns a tuned instrument as part of their curriculum.

Performances: Throughout the year, pupils have opportunities to develop confidence, speaking and listening skills and performance skills through concerts, plays and productions.

Philosophy for Children: All pupils engage in termly philosophy sessions developing their speaking and listening skills and ability to debate respectfully.

Reflection Time: All pupils engage in weekly discussions about their learning, reflecting on their successes, how they were achieved and how they can develop further.

Peer Mentoring: Year 6 pupils are trained to mentor Year 3 pupils.

Sporting opportunities: Pupils have a wide range of clubs to choose from. These include girls’ football, dodgeball, archery and netball. All children represent the school in sporting tournaments before they leave Duston Eldean.

Pupil Voice: Key Stage Two pupils are elected onto pupil voice groups: Eco Team, School Learning Council, HUGG Club, Health & Safety Ambassadors and Wellbeing Club. They make decisions in their respective areas and keep the school informed.

Core Learning Skills: Termly challenges for pupils develop their inter and intrapersonal skills as they engage with team tasks.

Assemblies: Assemblies are planned to ensure pupils learn about the world, different cultures, protected characteristics and British values.

Transitions: New pupils to our school have an allocated ‘buddy’ to give advice, guidance and to support a smooth transition. As children leave our school, a personalised approach is taken to aid the process.

Upcoming Events

29 Jan
Online Safety with Simon Aston
Date Wed,29 Jan 2025
18 Jul
Last Day of Term
Fri,18 Jul 2025

Contact Us

School Business Manager

Duston Eldean Primary
Main Road Duston Northamptonshire NN5 6PP
Tel: 01604 752283
