Welcome to Year Three!
Year Three is the start of a new chapter in your child’s learning as they make the transition into Key Stage 2. It is the year where we encourage children to develop their independence and responsibility. This includes things like lining up in the morning without parents at their side, handing in homework and reading logs independently and organising lesson equipment first thing in the morning to help prepare for the school day. While we will certainly support and remind the children about the things they need to do, we will encourage them to start thinking and doing things for themselves.
Year three is a key year where children start to make preferences about their reading and take part in discussions about their favourite texts. Children in Year Three have the opportunity to visit the school library to choose their non-fiction book and the opportunity to visit their class library to choose their fiction book. Children begin to learn about different award-winning authors and choose texts to develop their fluency. They learn how to search the text for clues to support and explain their understanding about what is happening. With your support, we hope to be able to develop your child’s love of reading using a wide variety of texts including different authors and genres. Children should be reading at home at least 3-4 times a week and we encourage children to make their own entries into their reading logs, with an adult's signature.
Times Tables
In order to develop speed in the recall of times tables, the children can access TT Rockstars from home using their online devices to practise and improve the multiplication and division recall facts. In Year three we focus on 4’s and 8’s as new learning. Children begin by learning their 4 times table and then identify connections with the 8 times table but will continue to consolidate the 2’s, 5’s and 10’s across the year. Log in details for TT Rockstars are provided for children and are stuck into their reading logs for reference.
Homework is also a chance for children to develop their independence and responsibility. Maths or English will be sent out each week. It will be given out on a Tuesday and be handed in the following Monday. They will also get spelling zappers and termly topic tasks to complete. It is welcomed that all children complete this and take time in school to share their task and what they have learnt from it. This is a great way for children to develop their speaking and listening skills. In Terms 2, Term 4 and Term 6, a maths ‘Buzz Bingo’ challenge sheet will be sent home containing challenges for your child to choose from. Termly knowledge organisers, showing what they will be learning each term will also be sent home. Your support in helping your child learn and complete these activities would be welcomed.
Library Days
Tigers is on a Monday and Panthers is on a Friday
PE Days
Children should have their PE kit in school, in a named kit bag. PE days are as follows:
- Indoor – Tuesday
- Outdoor– Monday
- Indoor – Tuesday
- Outdoor - Monday
Year Three Highlights
Flag Fen – ‘in the field’ discovery of the Stone Age
Greek Day – children will experience what life was like in Ancient Greek times.
Oxford Natural History Museum – Term six to consolidate learning about the human body and retrieve knowledge throughout the year on all previously taught science topics.
Wow Days - Light and Dark including Shadow Puppets
- Magnets and Forces