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Duston Eldean Primary School


English Ambassadors 

 At Duston Eldean, we inspire our children to become passionate about reading and writing. Our group of ambassadors spread the love of literacy across our school by helping to manage how national events like ‘World Book Day’ and reading and writing competitions will be organised in our school. Through their knowledge of current award-winning books, they share reading for pleasure opportunities with their peers to disseminate their enthusiasm. They are passionate to recognise the importance of key events in our school like the launch of our new reading spine and share with their peers how much they value the reading for pleasure culture in our school. The ambassadors also encourage their love of writing across our school by recognising how hard children work to improve their writing skills by organising the display of children’s writing with pride in our main school corridor. This is celebrated on a termly basis. 

Health & Safety Ambassadors

Health and Safety Ambassadors are children, from Year 6, who have been selected by their class teachers for showing an interest in working to keep our school safe. These pupils meet on a weekly basis to discuss ideas and plan for events. They are a dedicated team who help to disseminate important information to the whole school community.  

Health and Safety Ambassadors help to keep our school safe by:

  • checking to make sure that health and safety procedures are being followed.
  • planning and monitoring fire drills and lockdown drills.
  • giving out key health and safety messages.
  • completing health and safety walks to check for issues.

Upcoming Events

5 Sep
New to Foundation Stage - Teddy Bears' Picnic
Date Thu,5 Sep 2024 4:00 pm
9 Sep
Year 5 Parents' Meeting
Mon,9 Sep 2024 5:00 pm
10 Sep
Year 2 Parents' Meeting
Tue,10 Sep 2024 5:00 pm
11 Sep
Year 1 Parents' Meeting
Wed,11 Sep 2024 5:00 pm

Contact Us

School Business Manager

Duston Eldean Primary
Main Road Duston Northamptonshire NN5 6PP
Tel: 01604 752283
