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Duston Eldean Primary School

Welcome to Year 4!

Year 4 is a pivotal year within your child’s primary school experience. We look to promote a greater amount of independence and accountability, in preparation for Upper Key Stage 2.

Key Dates

  • Indoor PE - Friday (both classes)
  • Jaguars Outdoor PE - Wednesday
  • Lions Outdoor PE - Thursday
  • Library – Jaguars (Friday)
  • Library – Lions (Thursday)
  • Homework & Reading Record books handed in on Monday (both classes)


At this age, we would expect children to be responsible for completing their homework on their own and handing it in. Encouraging your children to seek support ahead of any deadlines helps to promote their independence.

One piece of homework will be sent home each week (either English or maths based). A topic-based homework will also be sent, which will need to be completed at some point over the term.

Spelling practise is sent home each week and this should be completed in their homework books. A reminder of learning strategies is also added to help your child to independently complete this task. This is also an expectation of weekly homework.

Reading record logs should also be handed in weekly to enable the class teacher to monitor the amount read each week – this should be a minimum of three entries of 10 minutes or above. Children are able to complete these themselves with an adult signing to verify each week.


Children should be reading to themselves for longer periods of time. Children will have the opportunity to choose from a wide selection of fiction books within the classroom and a supplementary non-fiction text from the school library.

Hearing children read is still important but you may find your conversations shift to more discussions around the text to ensure they have fully understood what they have read.

Within their handwriting, there is a greater emphasis on joining their letters. This speeds up their writing, to help support a quicker transference of their ideas to the page.

Multiplication Tables Check

In June of Year 4, the children will sit a government-led times table test. The expectation is that they have rapid recall of their times table facts up to 12 x 12. The test is computer-based and will allow the children 6 seconds to answer a multiplication question. The time limit is to ensure that children are recalling the fact rather than calculating it. A strong knowledge of times tables is vital in supporting their maths curriculum within Upper Key Stage 2 and beyond.

Trips and Experiences

Our biggest trip is the chance for the children to experience a one-night stay away from home with their friends. This is a great opportunity for them to develop their own independence. This is booked for May 2024 (Term 5).

In Term 1 (29th September), the children will be visiting Chester House Estate, Irthlingborough to experience what it means to be a historian and to also gain an understanding of the Romans within their local setting.

In Term 2, the children will be invited to a ‘Christmas Forest School’ experience which will take place after school. We will ask for a small voluntary contribution towards the costs of the materials needed.

In Term 3, the children are invited to take part in a traditional Anglo-Saxon tradition of wassailing the school orchard. This again will take place after school. We will ask for a small voluntary contribution towards the costs of the materials needed.

In Term 5, children are invited to come to school dressed up for our Titanic Day. The day is split into two parts, one looking at the social history of the event whilst the other explores the science and design elements of the boat and it’s infamous sinking. The children will then be challenged to redesign Titanic to ensure it either does not sink or ensures the safety of more passengers.

In Term 6, the children will take part in an Alice in Wonderland style tea party to consolidate their cookery skills within DT. We will ask for a small voluntary contribution towards the costs of the materials needed.

At times, we may ask for parent volunteers to help support our school trips. Please do let your class teacher know if you are available to help. It would be very much appreciated!




Upcoming Events

13 Nov
Prospective Parents' meeting
Date Wed,13 Nov 2024 6:00 pm

Contact Us

School Business Manager

Duston Eldean Primary
Main Road Duston Northamptonshire NN5 6PP
Tel: 01604 752283
