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Duston Eldean Primary School

Welcome to Year Two!

 In Year Two, the children continue to build on their learning experiences from Year One. They develop their independence through looking after their own pencil cases and being able to choose support resources in the classroom. Life skills that are taught include effective teamwork, how to resolve conflict and how to sustain concentration levels for longer.

Our curriculum focuses on teaching new skills and revisiting ones previously mastered, in order to them to be secure by the end of Key Stage One.

Key Dates:

Library Days: Tuesday (Otters) AM and Wednesday (Badgers) AM

Indoor PE: Monday PM

Outdoor PE: Friday AM


Parents are encouraged to play an important part in the children's learning through home learning activities.

All homework will be issued by Monday and is due in on Monday.

- Spellings are tested weekly and we focus on taught CEW words in lessons and a spelling rule. This will be explained on the homework sheet.

- A spelling, punctuation or grammar-based task will be set each week. This will be discussed within the children’s reflection time each week so they are prepared and able to complete independently.

- Your child should be reading at least 4 times a week out loud to you. They can then ask to change their book.

- We ask that each child dedicates 10 minutes a week playing on Numbots. The program helps increase children’s mental recall of number facts.

- From Term 3, there is a topic project challenge. The deadline for this is printed on the sheet. These are also great opportunities for us to help the children with their oracy skills as they prepare to share and listen to each other’s projects.


The expectation is for children to read their school banded reading book at least four times in a week (preferably more). Sharing of the school library book is also encouraged as a reading for pleasure learning opportunity. Reading logs will be checked weekly.

Children should be able to form sentences that make sense and that are correctly punctuated. Spelling independently through the application of their phonics and spelling knowledge is something that will develop throughout the year.

Year 2 Highlights:

-Healthy Tea Party (Friday 18th October- Term 1)

-Space Day/Planetarium (Wednesday 6th November- Term 2)

-Christmas Production (Thursday 5th December and Friday 6th December- Term 2)

-Synagogue Visit (Wednesday 15th Jan 2025-tbc Term 3)

-Great Fire of Northampton Museum Trip (Wednesday 26th March 2025-Term 4)

-Errington Park (TBC-Term 5)

-Seaside trip (Provisional booked- Friday 20th June 2025- Term 6)




Upcoming Events

18 Jul
Last Day of Term
Date Fri,18 Jul 2025

Contact Us

School Business Manager

Duston Eldean Primary
Main Road Duston Northamptonshire NN5 6PP
Tel: 01604 752283
